Species: Waterbuck
Location: Kenya
Date: 2022-06-16
Time: 20:07:07.660000
Source: Animal Identifier

We have observed Waterbuck 4 times world wild from 2022-01-20 till this date with the last observation being in 2022-06-16 in Kenya.

Our data suggest that Waterbuck are highly active in January, March and June world wild but differences observed on country level, while the lowest activity observed on March and June.

We noticed also the top 3 countries to observe Waterbuck in are: Senegal, Chad and Kenya respectively.

Waterbuck Seasonality
Location Information

Kenya is a country in East Africa with coastline on the Indian Ocean. It encompasses savannah, lakelands, the dramatic Great Rift Valley and mountain highlands. It's also home to wildlife like lions, elephants and rhinos. From Nairobi, the capital, safaris visit the Maasai Mara Reserve, known for its annual wildebeest migrations, and Amboseli National Park, offering views of Tanzania's 5,895m Mt. Kilimanjaro.
We have observed a total of 19 species in Kenya with more than 27 identifications.

Scientific Classification