Species: Leopard Moth
Location: Jordan
Date: 2022-04-03
Time: 20:34:06.949000
Source: Animal Identifier

We have observed Leopard Moth 6 times world wild from 2021-10-05 till this date with the last observation being in 2022-07-11 in Italy.

Our data suggest that Leopard Moth are highly active in October, April and June world wild but differences observed on country level, while the lowest activity observed on June and July.

We noticed also the top 3 countries to observe Leopard Moth in are: Colombia, Italy and Jordan respectively.

Leopard Moth Seasonality
Location Information

Jordan, an Arab nation on the east bank of the Jordan River, is defined by ancient monuments, nature reserves and seaside resorts. It’s home to the famed archaeological site of Petra, the Nabatean capital dating to around 300 B.C. Set in a narrow valley with tombs, temples and monuments carved into the surrounding pink sandstone cliffs, Petra earns its nickname, the "Rose City."
We have observed a total of 50 species in Jordan with more than 158 identifications.

Scientific Classification