Species: Phasinus
Location: Portugal
Date: 2022-04-15
Time: 16:43:09.827000
Source: Animal Identifier

We have observed Phasinus 14 times world wild from 2021-08-26 till this date with the last observation being in 2022-06-21 in Poland.

Our data suggest that Phasinus are highly active in March, April and October world wild but differences observed on country level, while the lowest activity observed on August and September.

We noticed also the top 3 countries to observe Phasinus in are: Poland, France and Iraq respectively.

Phasinus Seasonality
Location Information

Portugal is a southern European country on the Iberian Peninsula, bordering Spain. Its location on the Atlantic Ocean has influenced many aspects of its culture: salt cod and grilled sardines are national dishes, the Algarve's beaches are a major destination and much of the nation’s architecture dates to the 1500s–1800s, when Portugal had a powerful maritime empire.
We have observed a total of 57 species in Portugal with more than 203 identifications.

Scientific Classification