Species: Aardvark
Location: Germany
Date: 2021-10-31
Time: 19:39:22.007000
Source: Animal Identifer
Aardvarks are small pig-like mammals that are found inhabiting a wide range of different habitats throughout Africa, south of the Sahara. They are mostly solitary and spend their days sleeping in underground burrows to protect them from the heat of the African sun, emerging in the cooler evening to search for food. Their name originates from the Afrikaans language in South Africa and means Earth Pig, due to their long snout and pig-like body. Aardvarks are unique among animals as they are the only surviving species in their animal family. Until recently it was widely believed that they were most closely related to other insectivores such as armadillos and pangolins but this is not the case with their closest living relatives actually thought to be elephants.

We have observed Aardvark 23 times world wild from 2021-10-09 till this date with the last observation being in 2022-09-24 in Germany.

Our data suggest that Aardvark are highly active in February, September and October world wild but differences observed on country level, while the lowest activity observed on November and June.

We noticed also the top 3 countries to observe Aardvark in are: Germany, France and Jordan respectively.

Aardvark Seasonality
Location Information

Germany is a Western European country with a landscape of forests, rivers, mountain ranges and North Sea beaches. It has over 2 millennia of history. Berlin, its capital, is home to art and nightlife scenes, the Brandenburg Gate and many sites relating to WWII. Munich is known for its Oktoberfest and beer halls, including the 16th-century Hofbräuhaus. Frankfurt, with its skyscrapers, houses the European Central Bank.
We have observed a total of 108 species in Germany with more than 619 identifications.

Scientific Classification