Species: American Coot
Location: Luxembourg
Date: 2022-09-25
Time: 18:33:22.760000
Source: Animal Identifier
The American coot, also known as a mud hen or pouldeau, is a bird of the family Rallidae. Though commonly mistaken for ducks, American coots are only distantly related to ducks, belonging to a separate order.

We have observed American Coot 28 times world wild from 2021-05-20 till this date with the last observation being in 2022-09-25 in Luxembourg.

Our data suggest that American Coot are highly active in September, June and November world wild but differences observed on country level, while the lowest activity observed on January and October.

We noticed also the top 3 countries to observe American Coot in are: Italy, France and Germany respectively.

American Coot Seasonality
Location Information

Luxembourg is a small European country, surrounded by Belgium, France and Germany. It’s mostly rural, with dense Ardennes forest and nature parks in the north, rocky gorges of the Mullerthal region in the east and the Moselle river valley in the southeast. Its capital, Luxembourg City, is famed for its fortified medieval old town perched on sheer cliffs.
We have observed a total of 3 species in Luxembourg with more than 4 identifications.

Scientific Classification